
Building Foundations: NSO, Small Groups, & Discipleship

In IV campus ministry, our vision is to see the lives of students transformed by Jesus, the campus renewed, and world changers developed. New student outreach (NSO), small group bible studies, and discipleship are three key ways we are living out that vision.

New student outreach got off the ground quickly as the NAU campus experienced the largest freshman class to date. The student leaders responded quickly and excitedly to this need of new students to be in fellowship. Our biggest hit event was a huge bonfire out in the woods that everyone came to. Theo and a student actually helped burn an old couch! Since the beginning of the semester, we have been seeing 300+ students attending our weekly large group meetings and about 200 of those students have been plugged into small groups. I would love to see the entire chapter invested in a small group community. Pray that the students on the fringes would be absorbed by authentic community.

I am leading a freshman women's small group with two student leaders (Jodi & Hannah, below) and in the last 1.5 months we have been able to reach out to many women who are new to campus and in need of fellowship. Jodi is from Hawaii and is an exercise science major, while Hannah studies special education and is the oldest of eight siblings. This year our IV small groups are digging into the gospel of John where we will study Jesus' life and learn what it means to be called his disciples. We are exploring the idea of having missional small groups. A missional small group is a group whose members not only take care of each other, but seek to transform the community around them by advancing the kingdom of God. I am excited to be caught in the middle of this exciting work! This year one of my major roles as an intern is to lead, train, and build community amongst these 45 small group leaders in InterVarsity.

And finally, as a means to disciple our student leaders, I am mentoring four young women (Jodi, Hannah, Neshe, and Emily) weekly. Emily is one of the 24/7 prayer leaders here and is passionate about seeing students devote themselves to prayer. Neshe (pictured with Emily) is such a delight. She is half-Turkish and her name means joyful in turkish! I get to encourage these women in their faith and challenge them to respond to Jesus' call on their lives. Pray for my relationships with these blossoming leaders as well as the freshmen women in my small group as I will be a significant influence in their lives this next year.

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